Here you will find general information on the national CAP strategy plan for the subsidisation period 2023 to 2027 and on the process of its preparation in Austria.
The EU Ministers of Agriculture have confirmed today within the framework of the Agriculture Council in Luxembourg the results of the “super trilogue” of last Friday. Thus, after tough negotiations between the EU Council Presidency, the EU Parliament and the EU Commission the fundamental pillars for the shaping of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2023 have been fixed.
On 13 September 2022 the European Commission approved the Austrian Strategic Plan which will implement the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Austria in the coming years.
Being an important tool for ensuring viable farm incomes, the system of direct payments in the CAP will be continued from 2023. This means that the first pillar of the CAP will continue to make a substantial contribution to maintaining area-wide and small-structured agricultural management.
The new CAP period will also bring some changes to direct payments. From 2023, the funds for direct payments will be distributed across a total of nine interventions. In addition to even greater support for small farms, the 1st pillar will also make a significant contribution to protecting the environment and climate.
The so-called Enhanced Conditionality is the cornerstone of the environmental and climate architecture of the Common Agricultural Policy. It sets out certain basic requirements for the receipt of area- and animal-related payments under the 1st and 2nd pillars and provides the starting point for voluntary interventions in the areas of environment and climate.
Austrian and European agricultural policy aims to achieve multifunctional, area-wide and sustainable agriculture. This requires viable agricultural incomes. Direct payments provide an indispensable safety net for this purpose.
The increased need for action in the fields of environmental and climate protection also places an obligation on the Common Agricultural Policy. This is why the call for increased environmental and climate ambition resulted in the biggest innovation in the first pillar: The introduction of the new eco-schemes.
As part of the direct payments, the basic payment for alpine pastures and the coupled alpine pasturing premium make an important contribution to maintaining alpine farming in Austria.
Young farmers are the future of Austrian agriculture. As part of the first pillar, young people receive targeted additional support in the first 5 years to help them during the set-up period.
IACS is an EU-wide, gradually introduced system for the implementation and administration of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the EU Member States.
On 1 January 2023 the new Special Directive on support to the apiculture sector 2023-2027 (“Sonderrichtlinie Imkereiförderung 2023-2027”) entered into force. It serves the implementation of sectoral apiculture measures under the CAP Strategic Plan Austria 2023-2027.
The provisions concerning the sectoral measures in the field of wine are set out in the Ordinance establishing rules for the application of the CAP Strategic Plan (“GAP-Strategieplan-Anwendungsverordnung”) of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management.
The provisions for the sectoral measures in the field of fruit and vegetables can be found in the so-called CAP Strategic Plan Application Ordinance (“GAP-Strategieplan-Anwendungsverordnung”) of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (BML) from 2023.
With the CAP Strategic Plan approved by the European Commission, Austria commits itself to its implementation. In addition, the following legal framework has been established for the granting of support to farmers and other beneficiaries in accordance with the CAP Strategic Plan.
In Austria, around 70 % of the national territory is delimited as less-favoured area, most of which is in the mountain region due to the topography.
The national CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 as part of the European Common Agricultural Policy forms the basis for funding in rural areas and is an important element in creating attractive rural areas. LEADER plays a special and central role in the regional development in rural areas.
Here you will find the Special Guideline of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management for the Austrian programme for the promotion of an agricultural system that is environmentally sound, extensive and protective of natural habitats. (ÖPUL 2023).
Here you will find general information on the national CAP Strategic Plan for the subsidisation period 2021 to 2027 as well as on the process of its preparation in Austria.