Support for young farmers

Young farmers are the future of Austrian agriculture. As part of the first pillar, young people receive targeted additional support in the first 5 years to help them during the set-up period.
Young farmer
All payments for young farmers are subject to compliance with the definition of a “young farmer”. The following uniform rules apply in the first and the second pillar:
- The young farmer must not be older than 40 years of age in the year in which he or she first starts the agricultural activity.
- The young farmer must have a relevant opportunity of influencing the “farm management”. This requirement is met by natural persons, if the young farmer manages the holding on his/her own name and for his/her own account.
- In the case of registered partnerships, legal entities or partnerships the young farmer has to perform the long-term and effective control over the management of the agricultural holding, i.e. be a majority shareholder or at least have equal rights (with appropriate proof) as all other stakeholders.
The minimum professional qualification required is a suitable skilled workers examination in accordance with the Agricultural and Forestry Vocational Training Act, a relevant higher education qualification or a relevant university degree. If the proof is not available at the time of application, it can be submitted no later than two years after the first commencement of agricultural activity.
Complementary income support for young farmers (payment for young farmers)
In the first pillar the proven payment for young farmers is continued. A total of 2.1 % of the direct payment ceiling is earmarked for this support, i.e. around 14.2 million euros per year. Further support is available under the second pillar.
Applications can be made for around 66 euros per hectare for a maximum of 40 hectares of eligible land and a maximum of five consecutive years.
Applications are submitted annually as part of the multiple application and must be submitted for the application year following the first commencement of their agricultural activity at the latest (if the agricultural activity started by 31 December 2022, the application has to be submitted for the application year 2023).
Young farmers who received payments for less than 5 years in the previous period will continue to receive them for the remaining years.
The AMA information leaflet on direct payments applicable from 2023 and any special provisions with regard to the payment for young farmers can be found at Formulare & Merkblätter | AMA - AgrarMarkt Austria.