Support for alpine pastures

As part of the direct payments, the basic payment for alpine pastures and the coupled alpine pasturing premium make an important contribution to maintaining alpine farming in Austria.
Under the 1st pillar, a total of 30 million euros are provided for alpine pastures: 12 million euros for the basic payment for alpine pastures and 18 million euros for the coupled alpine pasturing premium for cattle, ewes and she-goats.
Basic income support for sustainability (basic payment)
The proven system of differentiating the basic payments for homestead land and alpine pasture areas will be continued (analogous to the reduction coefficient for payment entitlements for alpine forage areas in the 2015-2022 period). The basic payment for alpine pastures is granted in the form of a standardised premium of around 41 euros per hectare.
Coupled income support for bringing cattle, ewes and she-goats up to alpine pastures (alpine pasturing premium)
The alpine pasturing premium for cattle, ewes and she-goats is continued. This animal-based payment is granted for bringing the above-mentioned animals up to alpine pastures in the entire federal territory. The premium rates have been significantly increased:
- Cows: approx. EUR 100/RLU (roughage eating livestock unit),
- Ewes and she-goats: approx. EUR 100/RLU,
- Cattle, except cows: approx. EUR 50/RLU
The AMA information leaflet on the direct payments applicable from 2023 can be found at Formulare & Merkblätter | AMA - AgrarMarkt Austria
The AMA information leaflets on alpine pastures and community pastures applicable from 2023 can be found at Formulare & Merkblätter | AMA - AgrarMarkt Austria.