Sectoral measures for wine 2023 - 2027

The provisions concerning the sectoral measures in the field of wine are set out in the Ordinance establishing rules for the application of the CAP Strategic Plan (“GAP-Strategieplan-Anwendungsverordnung”) of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management.
The wine industry is an important sector of Austria’s agriculture. Its most important function is the production of wine, champagne, sparkling wine and other wine products while maintaining the ecological balance.
The sectoral support measures for wine are handled by Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA).
The following support measures exist:
- "Conversion funding" (58-01): Funding is provided for the planting of a vineyard as well as for the construction and renewal of slope and stone wall terraces.
- "Investment promotion" (58-02): Support is granted for all investments in the field of cellar technology.
- "Information actions in Member States" (58-03): Support is granted for all actions aimed to inform consumers about wines of Austrian origin.
- “Sales promotion in third countries”: Support is granted for all actions aimed at the selling of Austrian wine in non-EU countries.
With the funds approved by the European Union, around 13.2 million euros of public subsidies are available to our winegrowers every year.
Further details about the individual support programmes can be found in the AMA information leaflets under AMA Subsidies.