In cooperation with all executives the management principles of the Ministry were developed. These principles reflect the result of a common management style and serve as a guideline for the leadership practice.
As strengthening a family-friendly business culture as part of its enterprise policy has been important to the Federal Ministry and its predecessor organisations) for a long time, we successfully continued the auditing process at the Central Unit by implementing the re-audit.
The Federal Ministry allows its staff members to perform their work duties at home to a certain extent and if certain conditions apply. This can bring advantages for the compatibility of job and family, for the quality of life and concentrated work, but also for the environment and society.
The Federal Ministry provides essential services for the Austrian population in the cities and in rural areas. For a Ministry with a broad range of tasks and with direct contact to the population it is all the more important that all executives and employees are aware of their responsibility to behave in a service ethically and legally correct manner.
The buildings of the Ministry are to be accessible for everybody. Therefore, measures to achieve barrier-free access according to the Federal Law on Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons (“Bundesbehindertengleichstellungsgesetz”, BGStG) have been taken.
The Federal Ministry is actively working on the implementation of gender mainstreaming to contribute to gender equality.
The Working Group Gender Mainstreaming was established based on the decision of the Council of Ministers of 3 April 2002. It reports directly to the Federal Minister and supports the Ministry with the implementation of the gender mainstreaming strategy.
We are confronted with enormous challenges in environmental and climate protection worldwide. Even in Austria, we can already experience the effects of climate change up close.