Common Organisation of Agricultural Markets - CMO

The basic rules for all products that are subject to the market organisation regime are provided in Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013.
The Common Market Organisation is the "original form" of the Common Agricultural Policy; it serves to create a single market for agricultural products and contains rules for the internal market, defines the parameters for interventions on the agricultural markets, regulates the trade with third countries (e.g. licences, administration of tariff quotas, inward and outward processing) and (sales) promotion measures.
It also includes regulations for the marketing of agricultural products (e.g. marketing standards, geographical indications, labelling in the wine sector), the functioning of producer associations and inter-branch organisations and contains competition rules.
In addition, special importance is attached to market observation and the possibilities for market support measures and measures to solve specific problems, particularly in crisis situations.
The agricultural products covered by the Common Market Organisation are cereals, rice, sugar, dried fodder, seeds, hops, olive oil and table olives, flax and hemp, fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables, bananas, wine, live plants and floristic products, raw tobacco, beef and veal, milk and milk products, pigmeat, sheepmeat and goatmeat, egg, poultrymeat, ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin, apiculture products, silkworms and other products.
The applicable versions of the EU provisions are available via EUR-Lex, a database of the European Union. The applicable versions of national provisions can be found in RIS, the legal information system of the Austrian Federal Government.