Austria: a country rich in water - Facts and Figures, summary

Austria has seized the opportunity of the EU Council Presidency and this EU Water Conference in Vienna to present water management in Austria and its importance as shining example on an international scale in a new water brochure. Under the heading AUSTRIA: A COUNTRY RICH IN WATER this brochure presents the wide range and the importance of the topic of water for the population, for agriculture, for the economy, and of course also for tourism. It also points out the high value of water habitats as valuable ecosystems and future challenges; keyword “climate change”. We can also put experiences made in the fields of cooperation in the Danube area and of water awareness-raising into the limelight. With impressive data, figures and backgrounds we do not only want to appeal to experts, but also, first and foremost, to people interested in the topics of water and environment. We want to invite them to play an active role when the future of our valuable resource water is at stake - according to the motto: Protecting and appreciating water!
A detailed description of the entire water management in Austria can be found in the long version of the brochure Austria: A country rich in Water
- Herausgeber:
- Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism
- Abteilung:
- Directorate General I - Water Management
- Ausgabejahr:
- 2018
- Ausgabeort:
- Wien
- Format:
- Broschüre, Download
- Kategorie:
- Wasser allgemein
- Seitenanzahl:
- 4