Water is precious

Photo: BML / Alexander Haiden

Water is our greatest treasure. Let us use it sustainably and protect it jointly.

Water is our source of life. Over two thirds of the earth’s surface is covered by water. It is part of our food, we need it for hygiene, for recreation and - it creates jobs.

Moreover, 60 per cent of Austria's electricity generation originates from hydropower. Important water management issues include flood control. groundwater protection and the preservation or improvement of our aquatic habitats.

There exist many activities and efforts to achieve this. Each and every one of us is called upon to treat water as a resource with care in our daily lives.

The Directorate-General Water Management supports water awareness raising among the population with two platforms aimed at the interested public:

Wasseraktiv - Living rivers, clean lakes (www.wasseraktiv.at)

Generation Blue - the water youth platform (www.generationblue.at)