Correct behaviour in the event of flood risk

A bicycle on the bike rack during a flood.
Photo: unsplash / Mika Baumeister

Natural disasters, floods and high water events are becoming more frequent and more severe due to climate change. There was heavy rainfall across the country in June. These posed an acute danger to the population, especially in the areas around the Danube and Inn rivers. What needs to be implemented in case of emergency and where could better care be taken in advance?

The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (BML) is constantly working on expanding and improving regional flood protection, but 100 per cent protection can never be fully guaranteed due to the unpredictability of weather events. To avoid putting yourself and others in additional danger during floods, there are a few simple behavioural tips that you can follow.

Vehicle operation

The putting of vehicles in operation in a flooded area is very often underestimated. Even at a very low water depth of just 30 cm, vehicles can start to float and ultimately drift away. Due to the turbidity, the depth is often misjudged. In this process manhole covers or other obstacles can bear the risk of getting stuck. In addition, it is often impossible to open the vehicle doors from inside in the course of a flood.

Icon of a car caught in a flood.

The following applies:

  • Do not cross flooded areas with the vehicle!
  • Remove the car from the danger zone if flooding is forecast!

Dealing with electricity

The risk of an electric shock is particularly high during heavy rainfall and flooding. A modern FI reduces the risk, but does not eliminate it. If there is an acute risk of flooding, you should immediately switch off the power in the affected area of the building or in the entire house to prevent short circuits. If water has already entered the building, it is important not to touch electronic devices any more, if possible.

A danger icon of an electric shock, which is indicated by a lightning bolt.

The following applies:

  • Switch off the power as a precaution if there is a risk of flooding!
  • Do not touch wet electronic devices!
  • Check the power supply before returning to operation!

Staying in cellars

In general, no valuable objects or documents should be stored in cellars, as these cannot be saved without risk in the event of an emergency. All important items should have been removed from the cellar by the time a flood is forecast at the latest. Water can penetrate cellar rooms very quickly and, as is the case with cars, prevents the doors from being opened from inside. There is a risk of unexpectedly becoming trapped in a flooded basement room.

An icon of a house affected by flooding.

The following applies:

  • Do not store any valuable objects and documents in the cellar!
  • Do not enter the cellar during flooding!

Floods are natural events, which can become an acute danger. People who live near water should know how they can provide themselves with additional protection.