By means of WebGIS applications, maps of the National Water Management Plan and the Flood Risk Management Plan as well as further information can be retrieved.
Navigation between the WebGIS applications is possible via a central home page.
- Startseite Wasser WebGIS Anwendungen (in German only)
Flood hazards and risk maps: The maps show areas of potential significant flood risk, the inundation areas caused by floods with a high, medium and low probability and associated process intensities like water depth and flow velocities as well as the risk maps that visualise the impacts on different assets.
- Hochwassergefahren- und Risikokarten (in German only)
National Water Management Plan: The maps on the National Water Management Plan 2021, the National Water Management Plan 2015, and the National Water Management Plan 2009 show the respective contents for rivers, lakes and groundwater as well as on protection and conservation areas.
- Nationaler Gewässerbewirtschaftungsplan 2021 (in German only)
- Nationaler Gewässerbewirtschaftungsplan 2015 (in German only)
- Nationaler Gewässerbewirtschaftungsplan 2009 (in German only)
Hydrography: eHYD offers current data of about 700 precipitation runoff and groundwater measuring sites in Austria. eHYD Mobil provides now a survey of water balance parameters in Austria for smart phones and tablets, which also show the level in the vicinity of the site.
- eHyd - Daten zur Hydrologie Österreichse (in German only)
Natural hazards (HORA - Natural Hazard Overview and Risk Assessment Austria): the representations on maps serve as first information and current weather warnings about potential dangers due to various natural hazards such as flood, earthquake, storm, hail and snow.
- Flood hazard and risk maps (in German only)
- National Water Management Plan 2021 (in German only)
- eHyd - data on the hydrology of Austria (in German only)
- eHORA Naturgefahren (in German only)