
Here you get access to data on hydrography / on the water cycle and on water quality. You can receive these data by means of queries based on forms.

Hydrography - data on the water cycle
The core task of hydrography in Austria is the monitoring and the measuring of hydrological processes as well as their systematic analysis. The results of the monitoring of the quantitative hydrography have been summarised in the Austrian Hydrographical Almanac since 1893 and were published in a book until 2013. Since the year 2014 all data of a year and the evaluations of the Hydrographical Almanac have been available on these pages.

Data on water quality
Via the H2O expert database the results of the water status monitoring in running waters, lakes and groundwater and the data of the isotope measuring network are made available. The results of the individual measuring sites themselves can be retrieved in five steps via the quality data query of the H2O expert database of the water information system Austria (WISA).
WISA data query
The WISA data query is a common query function via several expert databases, and enables the joint cross-thematic query of:
- Data on water quality (physical-chemical and chemical parameters) of the H2O expert database (Ordinance on the Monitoring of the Quality of Water Bodies (GZÜV) Federal Law Gazette II No 479/2006, as amended)
- Emission data (on measuring sites on running water aggregated load quantities) from the emission register surface waters (Emission Register Ordinance (EmRegV-OW 2017) Federal Law Gazette II, No 207/2017, as amended)
- Biological data from recordings from the Benthos Database Federal Government (macrozoobenthos and phytobenthos recordings) as well as macrophyte recordings from the Macrophyte Database Federal Government (GZÜV)