Action planning

Action planning is the process of designing protective systems based on the expert assessment of the hazard processes in catchment areas.
Strategic positioning
The Service for Torrent and Avalanche Control (“Wildbach- und Lawinenverbauung”) is the main planning and coordination body for active and passive torrent, avalanche and erosion control measures.
It is also sets standards for the combination of ecology and technology and plans with a uniformly high quality according to uniform protection objectives and comprehensible principles.
Guidelines for the analysis of the economic efficiency and the prioritisation of torrent and avalanche control measures
The Technical Guideline for Torrent and Avalanche Control was prepared in line with section 3 para. 1(1) and para. 2 of the 1985 Hydraulic Engineering Assistance Act (“Wasserbautenförderungsgesetz”), as amended by Federal Law Gazette No 82/2003 of 29 August 2003 (hereinafter “WBFG”), and provides the basis for the planning and implementation of all torrent, avalanche and erosion control measures for which federal grants (subsidies) are awarded. Pursuant to section 3 para. 2 WBFG, it contains provisions on
- the objectives (taking into account spatial planning, environmental protection and comprehensive national defence),
- the criteria for the assessment of the measures to be funded,
- the cost-benefit analysis (to assess the economic efficiency of measures with a significant financial scope or far-reaching economic impact),
- the principles of project development,
- the content and the features of documents,
- the implementation of measures, construction control and the final inspection of the measures,
- the emergency measures,
- the maintenance measures (ensuring the effectiveness of the systems).
The Technical Guideline is the most important professional and technical planning standard for torrent and avalanche control; its application is mandatory for the awarding of planning services and construction works. It provides the basis for the technical review and the approval of funding projects and forms the technical basis for the medium- and long-term management and monitoring of the catchment areas (torrents, avalanches) and the existing protective facilities.
The Guidelines for the analysis of the economic efficiency and the prioritisation of torrent and avalanche control measures pursuant to section 3 para. 2(3) WBFG also form part of the Technical Guideline. These guidelines serve to prove the economic efficiency of the planned protective measures in the form of a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) or a standardised benefit analysis.