Pig keeping in Austria

Pig keeping represents an important line of business in Austria’s agriculture. Around 19,000 farms keep a total of around 2.7 million animals.
With a total of around 2.7 million animals kept on around 19,000 farms (as at 1 December 2022), pig farming in Austria is an important sector that mainly takes place in favourable locations in combination with arable farming.
With a production value of around 891 million euros in 2022, it accounts for 20 percent of animal production, the highest share after milk production.
There has been a slight downward trend in pig production in recent years, although the level of self-sufficiency is still over 100 percent. Nevertheless, large quantities of pigs, pork and pork products have been imported since the EU accession. On the other hand, there is also lively export activity and a net surplus overall.
In terms of social policy, animal welfare in animal husbandry is becoming an increasingly important issue and, therefore, also a major challenge in production.
Source: Statistics Austria, General livestock survey 01/12/2022.