Honey - the liquid gold

Honey from the different Austrian regions provides a feeling of nature, regionality and home.
Honey - the taste of home
As diverse as landscape, climate, soil and plants as rich and varied are the honeys from Austria’s regions. Every Austrian honey region offers this diversity and therefore guarantees regional delight off mass production.
Small-structured bee-keeping sector in Austria
In 2022 34,430 beekeepers with 479,584 bee colonies ensured the pollination of wild plants and crops in Austria. A typical feature of the bee-keeping sector is its traditionally small-scaled structure. (Source: Statistics Austria)
Honey bees ensure a fertile landscape
The major part of crops and wild plants is pollinated by honey bees and wild bees.
The added value that bees achieve by pollinating these plants can be expressed in figures: 80 % of the crops and wild plants growing in Austria are pollinated by honey bees! (Source: Biene Österreich)
Beekeepers and their bee colonies thus ensure area-wide availability of pollinators and are thus indispensable partners of agriculture.
Honey production and consumption
In 2021/2022, about 4,300 tonnes of honey were produced in Austria. Self-sufficiency was about 44 %.
With a per-head consumption of about 1.1 kilogramme per year Austria is, together with Germany, among Europe’s busiest honey consumers. (Source: Statistics Austria, Supply balance sheets)