Dairy farming in Austria

Dairy farming is Austria’s most significant agricultural sector.
With a production value of 1.9 billion euros in 2022 dairy farming accounts for about 18 percent of the agricultural production and is the most important agricultural sector in Austria. Around 24,000 dairy farmers produce 3.9 million tonnes of raw milk, of which approximately 89 percent are delivered to dairies.
Similar to the other sectors, also dairy farming is small-structured in Austria. A major part of the holdings are grassland-based family farms which keep on average 20 dairy cows. 75 percent of the dairy farms are located in mountain areas and thus contribute to the optimum exploitation of the extensive grassland.
By consistently sticking to their quality strategy Austria’s dairy farms manage to maintain their competitiveness. 100 percent of the raw milk delivered to domestic dairies is GMO-free, 99 percent is of perfect quality, 19 percent is organic milk and 15 percent hay milk.
Every other kilogramme of milk is exported in processed form with added value and in this way contributes to a positive foreign trade balance in the dairy sector.
As a high share of the milk is produced according to organic farming standards, both animal welfare standards and aspects for sustainability can be guaranteed in domestic dairy production.