Subsidisation of aquatic ecology for enterprises

Persenbieg hydroelectric power station
Photo: BML / Alexander Haiden

Funding is available for measures to improve the ecological status of Austrian water bodies on the basis of the Environmental Support Act (“Umweltförderungsgesetz”). The corresponding funding guidelines "Gewässerökologie für Wettbewerbsteilnehmende” (“Aquatic Ecology for Enterprises”) entered into force on 1 January 2024.

In summer 2020, a further 200 million euros were made available for the subsidisation of measures to improve the ecological status of waters, meaning that a total of 340 million euros of funding can be guaranteed by the end of 2027. From 1 January 2024, projects in the field of aquatic ecology can be submitted on the basis of the newly revised guidelines.

The funding guidelines "Aquatic Ecology for Enterprises" provide information on the more detailed framework conditions for the award of subsidy. The associated special topics deal with specific issues relating to the scope and subject of the subsidy as well as with general requirements. Both documents are available for download at the bottom of this page.

Eligible measures

  • Measures to improve continuity
  • Measures to reduce the effects of run-offs
  • Measures to reduce the effects of backwater
  • Measures to reduce the effects of hydropeaking
  • Measures to restructure morphologically altered stretches of running waters
  • as well as basic concepts, analyses, studies, general planning, awareness-raising and expert opinions in connection with the above-mentioned measures

Measures to establish continuity in connection with hydropower plants are only eligible for funding for plants with a bottleneck capacity of up to 10 MW.

Costs that are not eligible for subsidisation include, for example, operating and maintenance measures or financing costs.


Applicants for subsidisation are physical and legal persons that operate a hydropower plant or other facilities causing hydro-morphological pressures. These must be subject to EU State aid law in accordance with Article 107 et seq. of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

In addition, physical and legal persons that are active in the production or marketing of aquaculture products and that fulfil Annex I of the Block Exemption Regulation for Fisheries and Aquaculture are also eligible for funding.

Processing of subsidies

Subsidies are processed digitally by the Federal Government's processing agency, Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH (KPC). Projects can be submitted simply and clearly via the online platform

Funding is provided in the form of investment grants, which are paid out in two instalments.

Extent of subsidisation

The maximum funding rate from the Federal Ministry is 15% of the eligible investment costs for large companies and 25% for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In addition, a subsidy may be granted by the respective Federal Province.

Eligibility requirements

  • Availability of the required notifications (water law, nature conservation law, etc.)
  • Application for subsidy must have been received before construction begins