The legal bases for the Spanish Riding School are laid down in the Spanish Riding School Act.
The most important legal bases for the Forest Engineering Service in Torrent and Avalanche Control are set out in the Austrian Forest Act of 1975, Federal Law Gazette No 440/1975, as last amended by Federal Law Gazette I No 56/2016, and in the associated ordinances concerning the agencies and their tasks as well as the Hazard Zone Plan.
The legal bases for the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) are set out in the Health and Food Safety Act (“Gesundheits- und Ernährungssicherheitsgesetz“, GESG).
The legal bases of the institution "Agrarmarkt Austria" can be found in the AMA Act of 1992.
The legal bases for the Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape can be found in the Austrian BFW Act.