Other institutions

AGES -  Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety - Agriculture Vienna - Building of the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety
Photo: BML / AGES

The outsourced institutions of the Federal Ministry are separate legal entities, which, however take over certain state services. These include for example Agrarmarkt Austria, the Austrian Federal Forests, and the Spanish Riding School.

AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety

Spargelfeldstraße 191, Post office box 400
1226 Vienna

Managing Director: Anton Reinl
Phone: (+43 50) 555 - 22 010
Fax: (+43 50) 555 - 0
Email: anton.reinl@ages.at

Managing Director and Director of the Federal Office for Food Safety: Thomas Kickinger
Phone: (+43 50) 555 - 22010
Email: thomas.kickinger@ages.at

Head of the business unit food security: Charlotte Leonhardt
Phone: (+43 50) 555 - 34000
Email: charlotte.leonhardt@ages.at

Agrarmarkt Austria

Dresdner Straße 70
1200 Vienna
Email: office@ama.gv.at

Chairman of the Board and Board of Directors for the division II: Günter Griesmayr 
Phone: (+43 1) 50 3151 - 211

Board of Directors Division I: Richard Leutner
Phone: (+43 1) 50 3151 - 111

Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing

Dresdner Straße 68a
1200 Vienna
Email: office@amainfo.at

Managing Director: Michael Blass
Phone: (+43 1) 50 3151 - 411

Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape

Seckendorff-Gudent-Weg 8, Tirolergarten
1131 Vienna

Director: Peter Mayer
Phone: (+43 1) 878 38 - 1123
Email: peter.mayer@bfw.gv.at 

Forest training center Traunkirchen

Forstpark 1
4801 Traunkirchen
Email: fasttraunkirchen@bfw.gv.at

Director: Hermine Hackl
Phone: (+43 7617) 21 444 - 0

Forest training center Ossiach

Ossiach 21
9579 Ossiach
Email: fastossiach@bfw.gv.at

Director: Hans Zöscher
Phone: (+43 4243) 22 45 - 0 

Federal Agricultural Experimental Station

Rottenhauser Straße 32
3250 Wieselburg an der Erlauf
Email: office@bvw.at

Managing Director: Gerhard Draxler
Email: draxler@bvw.at
Phone (+43 7416) 52 241 - 20

Place of Business Fuchsenbigl

Gutshofstraße 12
2286 Fuchsenbigl
Email: office@bvw.at

Place of Business Königshof

Königshof 9
2462 Wilfleinsdorf
Email: office@bvw.at

Austrian Federal Forests

Pummergasse 10-12
3002 Purkersdorf
Email: bundesforste@bundesforste.at

Chief Executive Officer: Rudolf Freidhager 
Phone: (+43 2231) 600 - 0

Spanish Riding School

Michaelerplatz 1
1010 Vienna
Email: office@srs.at

Chief Executive Officer: Alfred Hudler
Phone: (+43 1) 533 90 31

Federal Stud Farm Piber

Piber 1
8580 Köflach
Email: office@piber.com

Stud manager: Erwin Movia
Phone: (43 3144) 33 23100