The Association "BIOS Science Austria" bundles competence of the life science scene

Being a strong alliance BIOS Science Austria promotes the cooperation of member institutions and lays the foundation for the acquisition of larger joint research projects and programmes. Thematic focal points are soil, water, forests, biodiversity and the protection of renewable, natural resources for the production of food and feed, energy and products of the bio-economy.
What is hiding behind “BIOS Service Austria” is an association, which brings together decisive institution of the Austrian Life Science Scene:
- The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU),
- the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna,
- the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Climate and Environmental Protection, Regions and Water Management (BMLUK),
- the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES),
- the Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Agriculture (BFW)
- the Federal Environment Agency (UBA),
- the Federal Agency for Water Management (BAW),
- the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research (BAB)
- the Agricultural Research and Educational Centre Raumberg-Gumpenstein
- the Ecosocial Forum Austria & Europe (ÖSF) as well as
- the AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)
These units bundle in the field of life sciences their joint resources, coordinate topics and create synergies in this way. The Association “BIOS Science Austria” whose activities are not profit-oriented, wants to promote research and teaching in the field of life sciences in Austria and the networking of the relevant institutions, as well as to make their achievements known to the public. It wants to identify and initiate joint research issues and also wants to participate in R&D projects in an operative and coordinating way.

European Joint Programme Soil
BIOS Science Austria is currently participating in EJPSOIL, a Europe-wide research initiative for sustainable soil management. Within the framework of EJPSOIL 24 countries are developing joint solutions - Austria receives ten percent of the project volume. EJPSOIL aims at developing knowledge, instruments, and an integrated research community for a climate-friendly agricultural soil management. 26 partner organisations from 24 countries are cooperating closely within the framework of this European Joint Venture Programme in order to make available coordinated and easily accessible soil information to farmers, landowners, administration and industry. The focus is on the promotion of a climate-friendly soil management, which favours organic carbon storage (humus enrichment) and binds greenhouse gases in the soil.