Agriculture & you
The project ”Agriculture & you“ wants to show Austrian children aged 8 to 10 how agriculture influences their lives and how the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy is connected to this.
“Agriculture & you” is a project that addresses primary school children aged between 8 and 10 years. It wants to raise awareness for the importance of agriculture and its close connection to the life of children. It also shows children and their families how to handle food in a conscious way and it explains what the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union is.
The project is implemented by the federal ministry of agriculture and is funded by the IMCAP Programme of the European Union.
Information about agriculture for kids
The project aims to help children – especially from urban areas – understand how agriculture is connected to everyone’s life. To reach this goal, it presents information about agriculture in a child-oriented and playful way.
Though the project, children will understand why a sufficient food supply cannot be taken for granted and how agriculture contributes to enough food being available in our supermarkets. They will get to know the characteristic features of Austrian agriculture and learn which products are typical for which regions in Austria and Europe. They will see how agriculture and climate change are interconnected, how farmers use digital technologies and how agriculture positively affects rural areas. Not least, the formation, functioning and importance of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union will be addressed as well as hands-on advice on how individuals can support farmers and handle food in a conscious way.
Wide range of information measures
Various child-oriented and playful information measures – ranging from a children’s book and a mini book to an audio book, animated videos, an interactive website, teaching material and a mini garden set – guarantee that children with different needs and learning styles benefit from the project. The project was promoted via media relations, social media and a presentation event.
In order to reach the young audiences best, the project also addresses parents and teachers, who can use and discuss the information measures together with children – and might even learn a thing or two about agriculture themselves.
All Austrian primary schools received an information package with sample materials via mail.